For some time now i have discover that why some bloggers are no more active is simple because they find it hard to sell some of their digital product. Of course we all know how frustrating it's when your hope of selling some of digital product are totally cut off most times it kills that inner zeal you have to continue
blogging, but today all that have change and are still changing all to make sure you are happy blogging the very thing you love most.
So today am going to show you five plugin you can easily use on your blog to collect money of every product you sell online through your blog. They are so simply that you can use it even without having much knowledge of them.
(1) PayPal for Digital Goods No matter what the goods is, this plugin allows you to use the PayPal for Digital Goods gateway to accept payment for digital goods. Be it ebook or whatever its, with this plugin it Provides inline checkout of digital goods. saving you time and stress for other things.
(2) WordPress eStore Just like how the name sound the plugin provides a complete solution to sell products from your site. Most users prefer it because of it strong secure line It is really good for selling digital online products securely from your WordPress blog. If others have failed you this one will not am saying so from personal experience. But you have to set it up first and enjoy benefit of eStore.
(3) Easy Paypal Payment Accept –this is also another plugin for wordpress, the essence of all this provision is just to make sure you have choice Payment Accept, is a very easy to use WordPress plugin to Accept donation or Paypal payment for a service or a product in one click. Handy when you are trying to put a customized payment widget on your site you have choice on where you chooses to add it, you can add it to the sidebar or a page or a post of your blog the choice is all yours but the main issue is that with this plugin you have nothing to lost on your blog whether donation or payment they are all welcome, and is very simple to insert.
(4) Simple Paypal Shopping Cart – is a very easy to use plugin that allows you to sell products or services online in one click from your WordPress blog. Very useful when you want to sell eBooks or digital products from various posts and pages and need a WordPress Shopping plugin this is the best among them. Most bloggers use to give up before because they find it hard to collect their money via online but since the introduction of the plugin stories have change you can even be sleeping while transaction will be going on, on your blog.
(5) WordPress Donations Widget Plugin – The WordPress Donations Widget Plugin allows you to collect donation for a cause from your WordPress powered site. is also very simple though is mainly for donation i believe with all this plugin more especially for your online business you can easily start selling your product online and only smile to the bank when you want to from me is happy blogging.
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