Still doubting hell no Well the Nova Launcher is by far one of the most popular Android launchers out there. The plethora of features and capabilities make the application the favorite customization tool for many users, especially when it comes to Android launchers.
Popularity usually means crowds of people love your product so much that they form a strong community, which offers developers the much needed feedback to improve their products. The same goes for Nova Launcher, the Android application with one of the most devoted communities.
Having a solid group of fans behind enables developers to try out new features before bringing them to the general public. These are called beta programs, and Nova Launcher users can opt in such a program if they wish to be among the first to experiment with the app's new features.
The newest version of Nova Launcher Beta brings some highly-anticipated new features like support for Android 7.1 Nougat launcher shortcuts.
But the new things don't stop here, as developers confirmed that this beta build features a backport of some Android 7.1 launcher shortcuts to Android 5.1 and Android 6.0.
Furthermore, the latest Nova Launcher Beta app comes with a new option for weather in search bar, as well as the possibility to see the weather in Celsius. Some fixes and optimizations have been implemented as well.
As Droid-Life points out, in order to take advantage of the new app shortcuts included in the update, you will have to set Nova as your default launcher, otherwise they won't show up.
Don't forget that you can place the current weather on the Google Search bar from the launcher's Settings menu, by tapping on the Desktop option and selecting “Search Bar Style.”
Also, if you want to download this version of Nova Launcher, you will have to opt in the beta, which will enable access to the download link on Google Play store.
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