Finally for Diablo fans rejoice, as one of the most requested classes, the Necromancer, will finally make its debut in Reaper of Souls. The new class will be part of a bundle that will contain a few more other goodies that might come in handy for Diablo III players.
The Rise of the Necromancer DLC will be launched in 2017, and aside from the Necromancer class, it will also include a new pet, two additional character slots, two more stash tabs (on PC), a portrait frame, pennant, banner, and banner sigil. There's no word on the price yet, though.
According to Blizzard, in order to be able to play with the new Necromancer class, players need both Diablo III and Reaper of Souls. The new DLC will be released on the PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, so if you plan to play on the consoles, then you'll need the Ultimate Evil Edition of the game.
The new Necromancer class is a master of dark arts who employs magic to raise armies of undead and blast the enemy with the power of death itself. Oh, and players can make corpses explode.
If you think that the Necromancer class might be too similar to the Witch Doctor class that's already available, then you couldn't be more wrong. Blizzard specifically detailed the differences between the two classes, which feature different themes and play styles.
“Witch Doctors draw their magic from their spiritual connection to a realm they call the Unformed Land. This more light-hearted take on supernatural powers allows them to command creepy crawly denizens of the jungle and summon mindless zombified pets.
Necromancers can expect darker, more controlled gameplay centered around the raw materials of life: blood and bone,” explains Blizzard in a blog post.
It's also worth mentioning that the Necromancer to be released in 2017 is not the same Necromancer class from Diablo II or Xul from Heroes of the Storm.
Obviously, expect full set of legendaries and set items for the new Necromancer class, including the dreadful scythe. Stay tuned for more on Diablo's new character class.
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