ell in-case you are not aware. Microsoft Pix is Redmond’s own camera app for the iPhone, coming with features which the company guarantees will help users take better photos, so it’s no surprise that updates are released every once in a while for those on iOS devices.
Today, for example, the company rolled out version 1.0.21, which comes with several improvements for iPhone users, including better support for live images.
First and foremost, some background. Microsoft Pix is an application that was designed to automatically control some settings, and Redmond says that it can automatically adjust settings to help people look better in photos when faces are detected.
It can also take photos in burst mode and then let you choose the best shot (pretty much like the majority of camera apps out there), but it also comes with options to refine colors, contrast, and brightness.
What’s new in this new version?
And version 1.0.21 pushes things one step further and improves live images white balance to make it consistent with the captured photo, as the company explains in the official changelog that was rolled out today in the App Store.
Additionally, Microsoft explains that “when you edit an image, you can now perform crop/rotation/filter or face enhancement at the same time and apply the changes only once,” so the company has been working on improving the editing process of photos as well. Of course, this isn’t such a breaking change, but it’s good to see that Redmond is focusing on this side of the app as well.
Obviously, there are some fixes as well in this version, and one of them concerns the photo editing function, which didn’t always show final cropped/rotated/filtered image and face enhancement correctly. Additionally, the widget should now be displayed correctly in iOS 10 (by the way, we’ve seen similar issues in many other iOS apps, so optimizations are needed from the majority of developers who want a flawless widget on iOS).
In the end, this update is clearly worth a look at by users who want to stick with Microsoft for their camera needs on iPhones, so make sure you download version 1.0.21 as soon as possible.
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