Not just me many out there believe that. The Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus is clearly the hardest to come by Apple smartphone these days, as shipping estimates can go to more than a month. But a few weeks ago you couldn't even get a Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus without having to wait around 6 weeks for your device.
In the meantime, Apple managed to ramp up production of the phone and customers can now expect to get their Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus as early as 3 weeks after they ordered it.
On the other hand, the smaller Jet Black iPhone 7 now ships in 3-5 business days, so it looks like people are more akin to bigger screens.
Even though Apple can't yet handle demand for the Jet Black iPhone 7 Plus, it looks like the company is readying another version of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. It will be called Jet White and, obviously, it will be white.
Other than that, it will probably use the same materials as the Jet Black model, so expect it to be very easy to scratch. According to Japanese website Mac Otakara, the information comes directly from Apple's supply chain.
Even so, the website warns readers that, for whatever reason, the information might not be as reliable as the source claims.
Scratches might be more visible on the Jet White iPhone 7
However, if Apple decides to go ahead with the launch of a Jet White iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, customers will definitely look for some protective cases.
Thanks to its darker color, the Jet Black version might hide some of the scratches, but that won't be the case with the Jet White version where even the thinnest scratch could be visible.
The idea seems fine and dandy, but let's see the execution. A Jet White iPhone 7 Plus will probably sell like hot cakes, but will Apple be able to cope with the high-demand for another of its new smartphones.
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