Yesoooo finally some nice additions have been made to Marius Quabeck's amazing Magic-Device-Tool utility that lets smartphone and tablet users install various Linux-based mobile operating systems.
It's been a little over two weeks since our last report about Magic-Device-Tool, and even if Marius Quabeck is extremely busy with the preparations for the upcoming UbuCon Europe 2016 international European Ubuntu conference, which will take place between the 18th and 20th of November 2016, in Essen, Germany, he's still updating the utility.
And it looks like the newest Magic-Device-Tool update adds support for the recently released Maru OS 0.3 open-source operating system that lets you run Android software on your phone while providing a Debian desktop. Best of all, it looks like you'll be able to install Maru OS 0.3 with or without Open GApps, a project that helps you install Google Apps on custom Android ROMs.
New menu items, bug fixes for supported devices
Among other interesting improvements that Marius Quabeck added in the new Magic-Device-Tool update, we can mention the implementation of two entries in the menu, namely "Join Telegram Group Chat" and "Report a bug," which let users join the Telegram group of the project in case they seek help or report bugs in the application.
There are also a few bug fixes for several of the supported devices. You'll receive all these changes the next time you run Magic-Device-Tool. We'd also like to remind you that besides Maru OS, Magic-Device-Tool allows you to install the Ubuntu Touch, Android, CyanogenMod, Sailfish OS, and Phoenix OS mobile operating systems.
"We are still trying to fix the integration of the Fairphone 2 port. More news about that will be available during the UbuCon Europe 2016 conference," revealed Marius Quabeck exclusively for Softpedia. Check out the project's homepage on GitHub for a list of supported devices, which gets updated often with new ones, as well as usage instructions
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