Lets Talk About: Here Is What's New Samsung Galaxy S7 Receives New Android Nougat Beta Update


The competition is real as Samsung's Galaxy Beta Program continues to push new Android Nougat updates to the Galaxy S7, probably the first Samsung smartphone to receive the update. We've already reported about the first beta Nougat updates that Samsung rolled out to those who’ve been accepted into the beta program, but here comes the third Android 7.0 Nougat beta release that Galaxy S7 devices should get starting this week.
The new version of Nougat brings a couple of improvements and fixes over the previous iterations, but also adds a few new features.
One of the applications that were previously preloaded on the Note 7, the Galaxy Note app, has now been ported to the Galaxy S7 and should be available to those who want to try it out. We're not sure, though, how it can be used without a stylus, so that remains to be seen.
The third beta update brings Samsung Pass, which can be enabled from Settings / Lock screen and security / Samsung Pass. The features offered by this service might not be available in all countries, though.
A new auto brightness button has been added in Quick Panel. Also, the position of the “Close All” button from the Recent view has been moved back to the bottom.
But these new features and improvements come with a few downsides as well. Samsung has confirmed that there are a couple of things that aren't yet functional. For example, there's an issue with the screen appearing too late when it's turned on.
Samsung Galaxy S7 users might experience some issues with the constant Wi-Fi on/off, too. The South Korean company promised to try and find the causes of these issues and deliver fixes in future updates.
If you're already enrolled in the Galaxy Beta Program, then you should know that this is mildly-sized download at around 515MB.

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